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Detecting zero-days before zero-day

We are constantly researching ways to improve our products. For the Web Application Firewall (WAF), the goal is simple: keep customer web applications safe by building the best solution available on the market.

In this blog post we talk about our approach and ongoing research into detecting novel web attack vectors in our WAF before they are seen by a security researcher. If you are interested in learning about our secret sauce, read on.

The value of a WAF

Many companies offer web application firewalls and application security products with a total addressable market forecasted to increase for the foreseeable future.

In this space, vendors, including ourselves, often like to boast the importance of their solution by presenting ever-growing statistics around threats to web applications. Bigger numbers and scarier stats are great ways to justify expensive investments in web security. Taking a few examples from our very own application security report research (see our latest report here):

The numbers above all translate to real value: yes, a large portion of Internet HTTP traffic is malicious, therefore you could mitigate a non-negligible amount of traffic reaching your applications if you deployed a WAF. It is also true that we are seeing a drastic increase in global API traffic, therefore, you should look into the security of your APIs as you are likely serving API traffic you are not aware of. You need a WAF with API protection capabilities. And so on.

There is, however, one statistic often presented that hides a concept more directly tied to the value of a web application firewall:

This brings us to zero-days. The definition of a zero-day may vary depending on who you ask, but is generally understood to be an exploit that is not yet, or has very recently become, widely known with no patch available. High impact zero-days will get assigned a CVE number. These happen relatively frequently and the value can be implied by how often we see exploit attempts in the wild. Yes, you need a WAF to make sure you are protected from zero-day exploits.

But herein hides the real value: how quickly can a WAF mitigate a new zero-day/CVE?

By definition a zero-day is not well known, and a single malicious payload could be the one that compromises your application. From a purist standpoint, if your WAF is not fast at detecting new attack vectors, it is not providing sufficient value.

The faster the mitigation, the better. We refer to this as “time to mitigate”. Any WAF evaluation should focus on this metric.

How fast is fast enough?

24 hours? 6 hours? 30 minutes? Luckily we run one of the world’s largest networks, and we can look at some real examples to understand how quickly a WAF really needs to be to protect most environments. I specifically mention “most” here as not everyone is the target of a highly sophisticated attack, and therefore, most companies should seek to be protected at least by the time a zero-day is widely known. Anything better is a plus.

Our first example is Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228). A high and wide impacting vulnerability that affected Log4J, a popular logging software maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. The vulnerability was disclosed back in December 2021. If you are a security practitioner, you have certainly heard of this exploit.


Article by: Michael Tremante, Cloudflare

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